Number of IPv4 routes did not match

Was creating / migrating some ESXi hosts during the week and came across the above error “Number of IPv4 routes did not match” when checking for host profile compliance of one of the hosts. All network settings of this host appeared to be same as the rest so I was stumped as to what could be wrong. Via a VMware KB article I came across the esxcfg-route command that helped identify the problem. To run this command SSH into the host:

By default the command only outputs the default gateway but you can pass it the -l switch to list all routes:

In my case the above output was from one of the hosts, while the following was from the non-compliant host:

Notice the vmk2 interface has the wrong network. Not sure how that happened. Oddly the GUI didn’t show this incorrect network but obviously something was corrupt somewhere.

To fix that I thought I’ll remove the vmk2 interface and re-add it. Big mistake! Possibly because its network was same as that of the management network ( removing this interface caused the host to lose connectivity from vCenter. I could ping it but couldn’t connect to it via SSH, vSphere Client, or vCenter. Finally I had to reset the network via the DCUI – it’s under “Network Restore Options”. I tried “Restore vDS” first, didn’t help, so did a “Restore Standard Switch”. This is a very useful – it creates a new standard switch and moves the Management Network onto that so you get connectivity to the host. This way I was able to reconnect to the host, but now I stumbled upon a new problem.

The host didn’t have the vmk2 interface any more but when I tried to recreate it I got an error that the interface already exists. But no, it does not – the GUI has no trace of it! Some forum posts suggested restarting the vCenter service as that clears its cache and puts it in sync with the hosts but that didn’t help either. Then I came across this post which showed me that it is possible for the host to still have the VMkernel port but vCenter to not know of it. For this the esxcli command is your friend. To list all VMkernel ports on a host do the following:

After that, removing the VMkernel interface can be done by a variant of same command:

Now I could add the re-add the interface via vSphere and get the hosts into compliance.

Before I conclude this post though, a few notes on the commands above.

If you have PowerCLI installed you can run all the esxcli commands via the Get-EsxCli cmdlet. For example:

If I wanted to remove the interface via PowerCLI the command would be slightly different:

I would have written more on the esxcli command itself but this excellent blog post covers it all. It’s an all powerful command that can be used to manage many aspects of the ESXi host, even set it in maintenance mode!

Heck you can even use esxcli to upgrade from one ESXi version to another. It is also possible to run the esxcli command from a remote computer (Windows or Linux) by installing the vSphere CLI tools on that computer. Additionally, there’s also the vSphere Management Assistant (VMA) which is a virtual appliance that offers command line tools.

The esxcli is also useful if you want to kill a VM. For instance the following lists all running VMs on a host:

If that VM were stuck for some reason and cannot be stopped or restarted via vSphere it’s very useful to know the esxcli command can be used to kill the VM (has happened a couple of times to me in the past):

Regarding the type of killing you can do:

There are three types of VM kills that can be attempted: [soft, hard, force]. Users should always attempt ‘soft’ kills first, which will give the VMX process a chance to shutdown cleanly (like kill or kill -SIGTERM). If that does not work move to ‘hard’ kills which will shutdown the process immediately (like kill -9 or kill -SIGKILL). ‘force’ should be used as a last resort attempt to kill the VM. If all three fail then a reboot is required. (required)

Another command line option is vim-cmd which I stumbled upon from one of the links above. I haven’t used it much so as a reference to myself here’s a blog post explaining it in detail.

Lastly there’s also a bunch of esxcfg-* commands, one of whom we came across above.

I haven’t used these much. They seem to be present for compatibility reasons with ESXi 3.x and prior. Back then you had commands with a vicfg- prefix, now you have the same but with a esxcfg- prefix. For instance, esxcfg-vmknic is now replaced with esxcli network interface as we saw above.

That’s all for now!

Update: Thought I’d use this post to keep track of other useful commands.

To get IPv4 addresses details:

Replace with ipv6 if that’s what you want.

To set an IPv4 address:

To ping an address from the host:

Change keyboard layout:

Get current keyboard layout:

List available layouts:

Set a new layout:

Remotely enable SSH

The esxcli commands are cool but you need to enable SSH each time you want to connect to the host and run these (unless you install the CLI tools on your machine). If you have PowerCLI though you can enable SSH remotely.

To list the services:

To enable SSH and the ESXi shell: