Using Solarwinds to monitor Windows Services

This is similar to how I monitored performance counters with Solarwinds.

I want to monitor a bunch of AppSense services.

Similar to the performance counters where I created an application monitor template so I could define the threshold values, here I need to create an application monitor so that the service appears in the alert manager. This part is easy (and similar to what I did for the performance counters) so I’ll skip and just put a screenshot like below –


I created a separate application monitor template but you could very well add it to one of the standard templates (if it’s a service that’s to be monitored on all nodes for instance).

Now for the part where you create alerts.

Initially I thought this would be a case of creating triggers when the above application monitor goes down. Something like this – alert1

And create an alert message like this –


With this I was hoping to get a one or more alert messages only for the services that actually went down. Instead, what happened is that whenever any one service went down I’d get an alert for the service that went down and also a message for the services that were up. Am guessing since I was triggering on the application monitor, Solarwinds helpfully sent the status for each of its components – up or down.


The solution is to modify your trigger such that you target each component.


Now I get alerts the way I want.

Hope this helps!