Hi there, I am Rakhesh Sasidharan, an IT professional based in the UK. I love spending time with computers, doing a bit of scripting, watching TV shows & movies, reading, and listening to audiobooks & podcasts. This blog is my dumping ground for any thoughts and notes regarding these. It is mostly about computers & tech but occasionally I write about something I watched or listened to.
I do a bit of PowerShell scripting and I love programming and programming languages. I am not very creative though, which is why I haven’t made programming a career choice. It’s sort of like how one might like English, French, and other languages, and enjoy studying or reading works in these languages, but that needn’t mean one is creative enough to write stories or poems in them. I think PowerShell, Bash, Python are all great languages and I am amazed by them constantly. Wish I could just feed them all into my brain like how they did in The Matrix movies!
By profession I am the Cloud Automation Lead at a global law firm (dealing with automation, Microsoft 365 servers, Intune, Entra ID, etc). By hobby I am a geek. I love technology and gadgets. I enjoy the command line and like typing long arcane commands and dabbling with Linux and the BSDs. I don’t do much of the latter nowadays – I’ve become lazy, but I owe a lot of my fundamentals to Linux and the BSDs. I spent most of my college nights playing around with these and I wish I were as enthusiastic and energetic now as I was then so I could spend even more time on these. Since 2020 however I have been dabbling a bit with Docker and enjoying it.
Posting style
The posts here are more like notes to myself shared to the world. I try to present them as a tutorial, but truth be told it’s a halfhearted attempt. Not because I don’t enjoy writing tutorials – just that time is of short supply for me so I can’t spend too much of it writing and rewriting. Moreover I am just a “kid” when it comes to most of the stuff that I talk about. I have been lucky enough to work on them and gain some sort of an understanding, and although I may kid myself into thinking I am an expert on these topics I know I am just a beginner still trying to make sense. So please take whatever you read here with a pinch of salt.
Posting frequency
I try and post regularly here but I have noticed I tend to do it in bursts. You may find many months when I make no posts at all, followed by a few weeks or months where I post regularly. If you happen to visit this blog during one of its lull phases please enjoy the older posts and check back later. I will be back!
Feedback & Contacting me
I am interested in any feedback, questions, or comments about my blog and posts. Comments are disabled on this blog because I’d rather any comments come to me by email as I am more comfortable reading and replying from there. Write to me -at- rakhesh.com
in case of anything.
Although I suppose I should be, I am not very active on LinkedIn. You can message me there, but chances are I am only going to reply after ages as I only check it once in a blue moon. :)
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iMessage Verification Code
The posts in this blog are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. © Rakhesh Sasidharan