Universal Groups are limited to other domains of the same forest
Azure AD connect sync via Remote PowerShell
New-ADUser – A referral was returned from the server
Notes on PSADT
How to check LDAPS certificate and TLS version
Get-ADDomainController : Directory object not found
Some Windows firewall troubleshooting …
[TIL] WMI filtering has separate precedence with GPOs
[Aside] Demystifying the Windows Firewall
Useful NPS & certificate stuff (for myself)
Deploying Office 2016 language packs (using PowerShell Admin Toolkit)
Unable to install a Windows Update – CBS error 0x800f0831
Demoting a 2012R2 Domain Controller using PowerShell
Certificates in the time of Let’s Encrypt
TIL: Teams User-Agent String
[Aside] Clearing Credential Manager
[Aside] Registry keys for Enabling TLS 1.2 etc.
[Aside] Enable ADFS Logging
ADFS across trusted forests
ADFS with Exchange OWA & ECP (contd.)
Random ADFS notes
Firefox and ADFS WIA
Setting up SimpleSAMLphp on Windows Server with ADFS
ServerManager crashes on add/ remove roles
ADFS WIA Support UserAgent strings for Chrome etc.
ADFS and CNAME records – HTTP/400 error with WIA
Restore-GPO : Value does not fall within the expected range
ADFS 2016 prompts for credentials via a popup (and doesn’t work)