Notes on Teams installing, paths, Citrix etc.
Citrix “The resource is currently unavailable. Try again later” on Workspace app only
Incorrect byte order mark when importing a Citrix license
Gaining access to Citrix Studio if you don’t already have access
Receiver Self-Service: Cannot Contact Store
Schedule Machine Catalog updates with MCS
Launching XenApp sessions in the receiver time zone
[Aside] XenApp beta testing with Application Groups
Adding Registry keys to NTUSER.DAT for multiple users
[Aside] How to roam AppData\Local too
XenApp and Run/ RunOnce keys
Set 7-Zip as the default for zip files
The Citrix Desktop Service failed to obtain a list of delivery controllers with which to register.
[Aside] Always offline mode for cached files
[Aside] NetScaler and WireShark
[Aside] Profile Manager NTUSER.DAT editing
Citrix – Word could not create the work file
[Aside] Citrix StoreFront customizations & tweaks
Citrix not working externally via gateway; ICA file does not contain gateway address or STA
[Aside] Enable ICA file logging
%TEMP% environment variable has a \2 or other number after it
[Aside] Citrix Storefront Sync Problems – Propagate Changes – Server is not reachable. Configuration settings might be out of date.
TIL: XenApp and Desktops
[Aside] Group Policy Objects – VDA User Settings
Various Citrix and Profile and Folder Redirection bits and bobs
The Citrix servers do not trust the server. This message was reported from the XML Service at address …