IPv6 dual router HyperOptic
AsusWRT Merlin and NextDNS for forwarding not working
WireGuard IPv6 VPN with OpenBSD.amsterdam
LetsEncrypt will continue working for older Android devices!
What is TailScale?
The Strange Case of Kemp Load Balancing working when it was not supposed to
Good to know: Mulitple AllowedIPs and WireGuard
Setting up WireGuard on OpenBSD and Linux
Tailscale & WireGuard co-existing (or: I love policy based routing!)
[Aside] NSX Security tags don’t work cross-VC
Setting up IPsec tunnel from OPNsense at home to Azure
Internet not working in Chrome but works fine in IE
[Aside] Various DNS stuff
Why multiple temporary IPv6 addresses when using SLAAC
Brief note on IPv6 flags and Dnsmasq modes
IPv6 at home!
Etisalat and 3rd party routers
Couple of DNS stuff
ADFS monitoring on NSX
Quick note to self on NSX Load Balancing
NSX Firewall no working on Layer3; OpenBSD VMware Tools; IP Discovery, etc.
Notes to self while installing NSX 6.3 (part 4)
Yay! (VXLAN) contd. + Notes to self while installing NSX 6.3 (part 3)
Yay! (VXLAN) contd. + Notes to self while installing NSX 6.3 (part 2)
Yay! (VXLAN)
Notes to self while installing NSX 6.3 (part 1)
TIL: Control Plane & Data Plane (networking)