Updating PowerShell help on an air-gapped machine
Quickly find out which version of .NET you are on
PowerShell scripts to download a file and expand zip file
PowerShell as wget/ curl
Notes of PowerShell DSC course, OneGet & Chocolatey
Notes on using Git from behind a firewall, tunneling SSH through a proxy, Git credential helpers, and so on …
Batch file to add BUILTIN\Administrators group to a folder of roaming profiles
To view a file or folder owner use dir /q
Beware of takeown and recursively operating
New features in BlackBerry OS 10.3.1 (picture heavy)
AD Domain Password policies
Using Git and Dropbox (along with GitHub but working tree in Dropbox)
Roaming profile permissions and versions
How to move/ separate the .git folder out of your working tree
Using Git and Dropbox (along with GitHub)
Thoughts on BBC One’s “The Missing”
Setting up a test lab with Azure (part 1)
Replicate with repadmin
Authorizing a DHCP server in a Child Domain requires Enterprise Admin rights (or a delegation)
Windows 10 Cortana is not available if the region is not US
Windows 10 activation