Using Git and Dropbox (along with GitHub but working tree in Dropbox)

Here’s something I tried out today. I don’t think it will work out in the long term, but I spent time on it so might as well make note of it here in case it helps someone else. 

I have multiple machines – one at office, couple at home – and usually my workflow involves having whatever I am working on being present in a local folder (not in Dropbox) managed by Git, with changes pushed and pulled to GitHub. That works fine with the caveat that sometimes I forget to push the changes upstream and leave office/ home and and then I am unable to work at home/ office because my latest code is on the other machine while GitHub and the machine I am on don’t have those changes.

One solution would be to have a scheduled task (or some hook to PowerShell ISE) that automatically commits & pushes my changes to GitHub periodically (or whenever I click save). I haven’t explored those but they seem wasteful. I like my commits to be when I make them, not run automatically, resulting in lots of spurious entries in my history.

My idea is to have the working tree in Dropbox. This way Dropbox takes care of syncing my latest code across all my machines. I don’t want to move the Git repository into Dropbox for fear of corruption/ sync conflicts, so I’ll keep that out of Dropbox in a local folder on each machine. My revised workflow will be that I am on a particular machine, I’ll make some changes, maybe commit & push them … or maybe not, then I’ll go to the other machine and I can continue making changes there and push them off when I am happy. Or so I hope …

Setting it up

Consider the case of two machines. One’s GAIA, the other’s TINTIN. Let’s start by setting up a repository and working tree on GAIA. 

Straight-forward stuff. My working tree is in Dropbox, Git repository is in a local folder. I make a commit and push it to GitHub. So far so good. 

Now I get to TINTIN. 

Thanks to Dropbox TINTIN already has the working tree. But it doesn’t have the Git repository (as that’s not a part of Dropbox). So even though the working tree appears on TINTIN I can’t issue any Git commands against it. 

The one time workaround is to pull the repository and working elsewhere and simply copy the repository to where the working tree in Dropbox expects it (c:/Users/Rakhesh/Git/Test.git in the above example)

Here’s what the xcopy switches do:

  • /K Copies attributes. Normal Xcopy will reset read-only attributes.
  • /E Copies directories and subdirectories, including empty ones.
  • /H Copies hidden and system files also.
  • /I If destination does not exist and copying more than one file, assumes that destination must be a directory.

I use xcopy because the Git repository is hidden and I can’t use move. The various switches ensure xcopy copies everything over.

Update: While writing this post I realized the above is an over-kill. All I need to do on TINTIN is the following:

Simple! This creates a bare-repository in the expected location.

Now I open the config file in the Git repository and add a pointer to the working tree (not necessary, but is a good practice). That is, I add to the [core] section:

Update2: If you create a bare repository as above remove from the [core] section (if it exists):

Note: I had some trouble with the bare repository idea a couple of times so I wouldn’t recommend it. Specifically, it didn’t pick up some folder changes. If it doesn’t work for you, use the approach I went with initially. 

Now TINTIN too is in sync with GAIA and GitHub. 


Changing things

Let’s add a file and commit it on GAIA. And while we are at it push it to GitHub. 

Once again, thanks to Dropbox TINTIN gets the changes in the working tree. But does it have the history? No! And because of that it will think there are changes to commit:

I can’t simply commit this change on TINTIN and push it upstream because that would conflict with the server:

That’s because while both GAIA and TINTIN because from the same commit point, now GAIA (and upstream) are at commit A which is a descendant of the starting point, while TINTIN is at commit B which is also a descendant of the same starting point. A and B are siblings, so if the push were to succeed the previous commit and its history would be lost. (These are known as non-fast-forward updates and the git-push help page has a diagram explaining this). 

I can’t simply pull the changes from upstream either as the same conflict applies there too!

One workaround is to stash the changes on TINTIN – which is fine in this case because they are not really changes, we have already captured it upstream and on GAIA – and then pull the changes. (I could also commit and then pull changes from GitHub, merge-ing them). 

Note that TINTIN has the correct history too. 

Update: If git pull complains about changes it is also possible to do a git reset as below: 

This is what I do nowadays. What git reset --hard does is that it resets the working tree and HEAD to the commit upstream (origin/master), effectively replacing all the tracked local files with versions from upstream. 

Changing things (part 2)

Now on to the scenario for which I am mixing Dropbox and GitHub. I make changes on GAIA and commit these, but forget to push them upstream. 

When I get to TINTIN, the changes are there but once again it isn’t aware of the commit. And unlike in the previous case, it can’t pull any changes from GitHub as it too does not know of any changes. All I can do is add the changed file and commit it. Note that this will be a different commit from the one at GAIA (which TINTIN is not aware of). 

And then I push it upstream when I am done working on TINTIN:

Back at GAIA the next day, when I check the status I’ll see the following:

This is because as far as GAIA knows I had made a commit but didn’t push it to GitHub. So it tells me my local branch is ahead by 1 commit. Git never checks the remote end in real time when I issue a git status. It merely reports based on the cached information it has. 

I can’t of course push this commit to GitHub because that has long moved on. We are back to a non-fast-forward update scenario here because GitHub has a commit from TINTIN which is a sibling to the commit from GAIA that we are now trying to push.  

Thankfully, in this particular case I can do a git pull and it will do a merge of the commit from GAIA and GitHub. A merge is possible here because the commits have a common ancestor and changes can be incorporated without any conflicts. 

And just to confirm, GAIA has the whole history, including a commit indicating the merge:

I can now push this to GitHub (and later pull to TINTIN). 

That’s it!

Wrapping up

As you can see having your working tree in Dropbox, with the Git repository in a local folder elsewhere, is possible but involves some minor tweaking around. I am going to try this for some of my repositories going forward, and will update this post if I come across any gotchas. 

Fringe cases

Occasionally when I am on one of my machines and do a git pull I get the following:

In the above case I had created a new folder (called Update-Hosts) on another machine and moved files to it. The machine I am currently on has these changes via Dropbox but isn’t aware of them from a Git point of view. So I did what Git suggests – remove this folder and git pull again. I won’t lose anything because the remote copy has the latest changes anyway.

You can see it’s picked up the new directory and moves/ renames.