ARM deployment – Accepting legal terms

I haven’t blogged for a while, I know. Except for a few movie posts it’s been pretty silent here. Mostly coz I have been too busy with work and never got a chance to blog. Plus now I use a note taking app (Bear) on my Mac to keep notes, so there’s less requirement for a blog to keep my notes.

I’ve been playing with ARM templates recently and came across the following when I was trying to deploy a Citrix NetScaler (or ADC as they call them now) today:

Azure Error: MarketplacePurchaseEligibilityFailed
Message: Marketplace purchase eligibilty check returned errors. See inner errors for details.
Exception Details:
Error Code: BadRequest
Message: Offer with PublisherId: citrix, OfferId: netscalervpx-121 cannot be purchased due to validation errors. See details for more information.[{“Legal terms have not been accepted for this item on this subscription: ‘xxxx’. To accept legal terms using PowerShell, please use Get-AzureRmMarketplaceTerms and Set-AzureRmMarketplaceTerms API( or deploy via the Azure portal to accept the terms”:”StoreApi”}]

To work around this login to the portal, click to create a new resource, search for “Citrix ADC”, select the one you are interested in deploying (from the drop down), then select “Get started”.

Then go ahead and enable it for all the subscriptions you are interested in. That’s all.