This weekend the NetScaler gateway on one of our offices failed, rendering the office users unable to connect to their resources. I wanted to repoint all those users to the Delivery Controllers of a different office where the NetScaler was working, and ask users to temporarily connect via that.
I had to two two things basically. 1) Change a registry key to repoint the VDA to the other Delivery Controllers. 2) Restart the VDA service (these machines were running 5.6(!!) so it’s called the Workstation Agent).
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# Change the registry key > reg add \\<computer>\HKLM\Software\Citrix\VirtualDesktopAgent /v ListOfDDCs /t REG_SZ /d "dc01 dc02" Value ListOfDDCs exists, overwrite(Yes/No)? y # Stop Service > sc \\<computer> stop WorkstationAgent # Start Service (wait a bit before doing this) > sc \\<computer> start WorkstationAgent |