I came across the problem outlined in this blog in our Citrix environment. It’s only got two test users (one of whom is me) and it only happened once to either of us, so I am not sure if it’s really the same thing or not.
The author’s findings are that it is because the %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache
folder is missing. In my case the folder was present when I took a look, but maybe it got created – I dunno. The odd thing in my case was that I was trying to launch both Outlook and Word together and that’s when Word complained. Once I Word opened after Outlook had launched, it was fine. Also, oddly, this wasn’t the first time I had launched Word either. Previous attempts had worked fine.
What I did for now is add the above path to UPM to be synchronized. Hoping that helps. Else I’ll make a GPP like the author has suggested.