Exchange 2016 & NSX Edge load balancing
[Aside] NSX Security tags don’t work cross-VC
Assigning and viewing NSX Security tags via PowerShell / PowerNSX
NSX Edge application rules to use a different pool
NSX Edge application rules to limit HTTP
ADFS monitoring on NSX
Quick note to self on NSX Load Balancing
NSX Firewall no working on Layer3; OpenBSD VMware Tools; IP Discovery, etc.
Notes to self while installing NSX 6.3 (part 4)
Yay! (VXLAN) contd. + Notes to self while installing NSX 6.3 (part 3)
Yay! (VXLAN) contd. + Notes to self while installing NSX 6.3 (part 2)
Yay! (VXLAN)
Notes to self while installing NSX 6.3 (part 1)
TIL: Control Plane & Data Plane (networking)
TIL: VXLAN is a standard
vSphere Distributed Switches are Layer 2 devices (doh!)