How to get a list of COM objects from the registry
How to get a list of COM objects via WMI & PowerShell
Get a list of links in a web page (part 2)
Using Get-ACL to view and modify Access Control Lists (part 1)
Get a list of links in a web page (part 1)
The System.Net.Webclient class
Scope in PowerShell
Write-Host and Write-Output
PowerShell.exe command line switches
Converting text to capital case, lower case, and title case
Get all users in an OU where specified account does not have any rights
Playing with Get-Culture and System.Globalization.CultureInfo
Naming PowerShell custom objects and setting their default display properties
PowerShell RunAs elevated
WMI queries
GUI script to shutdown and restart the computer
Use splatting to pass parameters and arguments
Find out if a script was dot-sourced or not
PowerShell functions can’t have a parameter called input
Using closure to capture the variable value in a script-block
Create and delete remote git branches
Git branch verbose
Git pull default
What is Reflection?