Scanning for MS17-010
Go through a group of servers and find whether a particular patch is installed
Reboot a bunch of ESXi hosts one after the other
Windows Services – Fix unquoted path vulnerabilities using PowerShell
PowerShell – List of machines with CPU and disk info
Use PowerShell to get a list of GPOs without Authenticated Users in the delegation
Get a list of services and “Log On As” accounts
Configure NTP for multiple ESXi hosts
PowerShell Remoting Security links
Create multiple DNS records using PowerShell
Find out which DCs in your domain have the DHCP service enabled
Quickly get the last boot up time of a remote Windows machine
PowerShell regexp match with lines above and below
Get a list of OUs with inheritance blocked & GPOs not applied
User PowerShell/ PowerCLI to get VM space usage
Get a list of users in an OU along with last logged on date
Start-BitsTransfer does nothing
PowerCLI – List all VMs in a cluster along with number of snapshots and space usage
PowerShell – Create a list of all Exchange mailboxes in an OU with mailbox size, Inbox size, etc
Adding DHCP scope options via PowerShell
Use PowerShell to ping a device and email you when it’s up
Search Firefox bookmarks using PowerShell
A brief intro to XML & PowerShell
Using PowerShell to insert a space between characters (alt method using regular expressions and -replace)
Using PowerShell to insert a space between characters (or: Using PowerShell to show certificate fingerprints in a friendly format)
Updating PowerShell help on an air-gapped machine
PowerShell scripts to download a file and expand zip file
PowerShell as wget/ curl
Quickly rename a bunch of files via PowerShell