Busy day so no time to fiddle with things or post anything. But I loved this post on Distributed Version Control Systems (DVCS) so go check it out.
Important takeaway: It isn’t all panacea with distributed VCS (such as Git, Mercurial) compared to centralized VCS (such as Subversion). A common tendency has been to move everything to a decentralized VCS because centralized VCSes are somehow bad. That’s not true. Centralized VCS has its advantages too so don’t blindly choose one over the other.
I loved this particular paragraph:
Git “won”, which it did because GitHub “won”, because coding is and always has been a popularity contest, and we are very concerned about either being on the most popular side, or about claiming that the only reason literally everyone doesn’t agree with us is because they’re stupid idiots who don’t know better. For a nominally nuanced profession, we sure do see things in binary.
So true!
From that post I came across this one by Facebook on how they improved Mercurial for their purposes. Good one again.