The first time I came across Kris Nova was due to the Mastodon instance I am on – Hachyderm. I still don’t know much about her but she seems to be a popular figure and so I listened to this episode of Hanselminutes where Scott interviews her. I gave up midway coz I felt the video version will be better but watching videos is a more conscious thing where you need to set aside time etc. so I am yet to continue.
She seems like an interesting person. I liked what she said from the first few minutes of the interview:
I’ve turned a career into working in the cloud and working at Azure and you know, now working at GitHub and I’m, I’m looking at it like I’ve kind of lost touch with like that inner child in me and just the ability to like go and just kind of sprawl out on the living room floor and build a computer and, and just see like where the dopamine takes me for the afternoon.
Highlight is mine. That’s exactly what I feel and was possible referring to a few blog posts ago. I love what I do at work but somewhere along the line I feel like I’ve lost something; only, unlike her I don’t have it in me to spend time after work feeding this inner child. Instead I try and catch up on reading, but more often it’s just doing house chores or some TV or just being tired and lethargic. Maybe it’s the dark winter, I barely can get myself to do anything after work. (And mind you I do work till around 7pm or so every day, so there’s only about 3 hours left before bedtime). It’s nice people like her and Scott are able to find time for themselves after everything else. I suppose I should just do a better job at work-life balance and time management.
Anyways, good episode. Give it a listen!