(TIL is short for “Today I Learned” by the way).
I always thought an ESXi host did some page sharing of VM memory between the VMs running on it. The feature is called Transparent Page Sharing (TPS) and it was something I remember from my VMware course and also read in blog posts such as this and this. The idea is that if you have (say) a bunch of Server 2012R2 VMs running on a host, it’s quite likely these VMs have quite a bit of common stuff between them in RAM, so it makes sense for the ESXi host to share that common stuff between the hosts. So even if each VM has (say) 4 GB RAM assigned to it, and there’s about 2GB worth of stuff common between the VMs, the host only needs to use 2GB shared RAM + 2 x 2GB private RAM for a total of 6GB RAM.
Apart from this as the host is under increased memory pressure it resorts to techniques like ballooning and memory swapping to free up some RAM for itself.
I even made a script today to list out all the VMs in our environment that have greater than 8GB RAM assigned to them and are powered on and to list the amount of shared RAM (just for my own info).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 |
Get-VM | ?{ ($_.MemoryGB -gt 8) -and ($_.PowerState -eq "PoweredOn") } | %{ $View = $_ | Get-View $ResultObj = [pscustomobject]@{ Name = $View.Name AssignedMemory =$_.MemoryMB UsedMemory = $View.Summary.QuickStats.GuestMemoryUsage SharedMemory = $View.Summary.QuickStats.SharedMemory PrivateMemory = $View.Summary.QuickStats.PrivateMemory } $ResultObj } | Sort-Object AssignedMemory -Descending | ft |
Anyhow – around 2015 VMware stopped page sharing of VM memory between VMs. VMware calls this sort of RAM sharing as inter-VM TPS. Apparently this is a security risk and VMware likes to ship their products as secure by default, so via some patches to the 5.x series (and as default in the 6.x series) it turned off inter-VM TPS and introduced some controls that allow IT Admins to turn this on if they so wish. Intra-VM TPS is still enabled – i.e. the ESXi host will do page sharing within each VM – but it not longer does page sharing between VMs by default.
Using the newly introduced controls, however, it is possible to enable inter-VM TPS for all VMs, or selectively between some VMs. Quoting from this blog post:
You can set a virtual machine’s advanced parameter sched.mem.pshare.salt to control its ability to participate in transparent page sharing.
TPS is only allowed within a virtual machine (intra-VM TPS) by default, because the ESXi host configuration option Mem.ShareForceSalting is set to 2, the sched.mem.pshare.salt is not present in the virtual machine configuration file, and thus the virtual machine salt value is set to unique value. In this case, to allow TPS among a specific set of virtual machines, set the sched.mem.pshare.salt of each virtual machine in the set to an identical value.
Alternatively, to enable TPS among all virtual machines (inter-VM TPS), you can set Mem.ShareForceSalting to 0, which causes sched.mem.pshare.salt to be ignored and to have no impact.
Or, to enable inter-VM TPS as the default, but yet allow the use of sched.mem.pshare.salt to control the effect of TPS per virtual machine, set the value of Mem.ShareForceSalting to 1. In this case, change the value of sched.mem.pshare.salt per virtual machine to prevent it from sharing with all virtual machines and restrict it to sharing with those that have an identical setting.
I wonder if intra-VM TPS has much memory savings. Looking at the output from my script for our estate I see that many of our server VMs have about half their allocated RAM as shared, so it does make an impact. I guess it will also make a difference when moving to a container architecture wherein a single VM might have many containers.
I would also like to point out to this blog post and another blog post I came across from it on whether inter-VM TPS even makes much sense in today’s environments and also on the kind of impact it can have during vMotion etc. Good stuff. I am still reading these but wanted to link to them for reference. Mainly – nowadays we have larger page sizes and so the probability of finding an identical page to be shared between two VMs is low; then there is NUMA that places memory pages closer to the CPU and TPS could disrupt that; and also, TPS is a process that runs periodically to compare pages, so there is an operational cost as it runs and finds a match and then does a full compare of the two pages to ensure they are really identical.
Good to know.