TIL: Transparent Page Sharing (TPS) between VMs is disabled by default
Reboot a bunch of ESXi hosts one after the other
Get a list of VMs running on specific datastores, along with the host
PowerCLI, VMware Tools update, etc.
Enabling SNMPv3 on ESXi hosts
Enabling SNMP on ESXi hosts
Configure NTP for multiple ESXi hosts
User PowerShell/ PowerCLI to get VM space usage
VMware/ PowerCLI – find disks used by a template
Enable & Disable SSH on ESXi host via PowerCLI
Get ESXi host network info using PowerShell/ PowerCLI
Number of IPv4 routes did not match
VMware: “A specified parameter was not correct” error
PowerCLI – List all VMs in a cluster along with number of snapshots and space usage