Was setting up ADFS in my home lab and I encountered the following issue. Even though I had a certificate generated and imported to the personal certificate store of the ADFS server, it was not being picked up by the configuration wizard.
I tried exporting the certificate with its private key as a PFX file and clicking the Import button above. Didn’t help either.
I also tried the following which didn’t help (but since I took some screenshots and I wasn’t aware of this way of tying certificates to a service account, I thought I’d include it here anyways).
Launch mmc
and add the Certificates snap-in. Choose Service account.
Then Local Computer. And Active Directory Federation Services.
Import the PFX certificate to its personal store.
This too didn’t help!
Finally, what did help was create a new certificate but use the CN and SAN name different to the server name. As in, my original certificate had a CN of “myservername.fqdn” along with some SANs of “myservername.fqdn” and “adfs.fqdfn” (the latter being what my ADFS federation service name would have been) but for the new cert I generated I went with a CN of “adfs.fqdn” and SANs of “adfs.fqdn” and “myservername.fqdn”. That worked!