Invoke-RestMethod to a Microsoft Form
Finding the owner of a Microsoft Form based on the Form Id (contd.) (or: creating an Authenticated HTTP connection from Power Automate to a Form)
Finding the owner of a Microsoft Form based on the Form Id
Authenticated access to Azure Functions using Azure AD (Client Credentials Grant)
Finding a Logic App name from its workflow Id
Duplicating a Conditional Access Policy
M365 Service Plans mapping
XCode 14 (and Command Line Tools) on macOS Ventura
Trying out macOS Ventura
Parsing JSON tokens in a Logic App
Authenticated HTTP Requests to Graph API or Azure REST API (and Logic Apps etc.) from Power Automate
M365 licensing DisplayName to SKU Name mapping
Grant-PnPAzureADAppSitePermission – Item not found
Send email via Logic App (from PowerShell etc.)
Graph and Group Membership count
Graph and Office licensing