That was a sigh of relief from me after watching the Apple Event. No product that brought in me an impulse buy feeling… my money is safe! Thank goodness.
I liked the M1 Pro and the M1 Max and the two MacBook Pros powered by them… but I’ve come to realize I am not a Pro user (and if I hadn’t realized it already that event drove it home for me – I am not a creator!) so I don’t really need the MacBook Pros. I can wait for next year when the M2 based MacBook Air or Mac Minis are out… hopefully ones that support more than 2 displays, and then they can get my money.
Once upon a time the extra RAM would have been great, but now I am not too fussed about that either. That’s coz once upon a time I used to run VMs on my MacBook Pro via Parallels, but I don’t do that any more (stopped doing it even before the move to M1 and since the move there’s no point wanting to do it either). Being able to run more than 2 displays is something I am interested in, and only the M1 Max seems to do that – but I definitely do not need the rest of the power that comes with it!
But boy an SD Card slot on the MacBook Pro?! Didn’t see that coming. Nice work! Even the Surface Studio Laptop does not have that. Less and less laptops seem to have that. I really like the look of the MacBook Pros and wish I was a creator with loads of money to spend on this (or at least the possibility of earning loads of money after buying one of these).
Thank goodness they didn’t release an upgraded HomePod Mini either – I would have really fallen for that. I don’t care about the extra colours. I don’t have a colourful house, nor colourful iMacs that I can match these with… so phew on that! :o)
And I’ve never cared much for the AirPods so that didn’t tempt me either.
Overall good products – suited for the Pro users – of which camp I am not, so I am safe and away from any temptation. I remember this time last year when the M1 was announced I was very excited by the announcement and products but no such feeling this time around. :)