Outlook 365 – Cannot expand the folder. The set of folders cannot be opened.
Stupid error: ‘@’ is an unexpected token. The expected token is ‘;’. Line 16, position 57.
getPstnCalls filters
Failed with error: ‘The browser is closed.’. Please sign in again.
Specifying the OAuth2 authentication token scope
Logic Apps and slow “Append to array variable”
SharePoint ‘Get Items’ limits
Throttling concurrent Azure Automation Runbooks
PnP PowerShell and Azure Automation – things to keep in mind
Logic App and Invoke-RestMethod timeouts
Using Purview to get a list of visitors to a SharePoint site
Citrix Cloud and group membership
Teams PowerShell (contd.)
Teams PowerShell
Azure AD MFA number matching and new features
New-MailboxExportRequest is not recognized (Office 365)
Unable to change dataflow owner
Get-Mailbox System.OutOfMemoryException and Runbook restarts (part 2)
Graph API detect O365 mailbox type
Get-Mailbox System.OutOfMemoryException and Runbook restarts
New-MgUserAuthenticationTemporaryAccessPassMethod_CreateExpanded1: Request Authorization failed
Invoke-WebRequest with retry
Invoke-WebRequest in the background
SharePoint Online site language
Teams Flows and DLP
Graph API getting user initials and middlename
Setting Do Not Disturb via Graph API
Remove-AzureADOAuth2PermissionGrant : Error occurred while executing RemoveOAuth2PermissionGrant
A rambling post on Issuer Claim, v1.0 and v2.0 endpoint, Access Tokens, etc.
Useful Kusto/ Azure Resource Graph queries