Quickly check if a user has OneDrive
Bicep stuck on ‘Registering commands’ in VS Code
Intune Graph PowerShell – An internal server error has occurred
Adding Removing OUs to Azure AD Connect via PowerShell
Delegating App Registration Admin Consent permissions in Azure AD using Graph (an example for Sites.Selected)
Runbook type ’17’ not supported. (or: Runbooks stuck in a Queued state)
Getting Connection Information
Docker, PowerShell, Microsoft Graph
New-AzDataCollectionRuleAssociation – Operation returned an invalid status code ‘BadRequest’
PDF Expert/ Adobe Acrobat admin consent from a mobile phone
More PowerShell 7.2 and Azure Automation troubles…
Could not load file or assembly
Notes on Event Hubs
Fun with PnP PowerShell
Storing API keys in Power Platform custom connectors
Well known client ids
getOffice365GroupsActivityDetail and S2SUnauthorized and custom connectors
Pre-download Azure Function modules
Finding users already using New Outlook
Connecting Azure Function (PowerShell) to Cosmos DB
More MFA stuff (Authentication successful but you cannot access this right now)
Az Module troubles
PowerShell 7.x Runbook limitations
Migrating from Legacy MFA policies
Graph API group delta changes (contd.)
Graph API group delta changes
Identifying the Function access key used to invoke an Azure Function
Getting last sign-in info of a user via Graph API
Licensing and Graph cmdlets
Finding Azure Automation accounts with RunAs accounts