Useful Sublime Text 2 stuff
Console2 and Sublime Text 2
List remote Git branches
Private Internet Access OpenVPN on iOS
Google Authorship
Get-Content and Out-File in the same pipeline
CyanogenMod with ParanoidAndroid GApps
Initial WordPress customizations (Part 1)
Using comma to preserve arrays
Using Remove-NetRoute to mass remove routes
The difference between help and get-help
Get-Member quirk
Use PowerShell to get the names and email addresses of members of a distribution group
Using Get-WinEvent to look at Windows event logs
Taking PowerShell on a date
A post on Android, AOSP, Custom ROMs, Bootloader, Recovery, etc
Print Management console to manage printers
Find the computer from where an AD account is locked out
Finding all processes on a remote computer that belong to a particular user
Killing a process on a remote computer using PowerShell
Removing the first four characters in an array in PowerShell
Finding a process owner using PowerShell
Managing Outlook rules using PowerShell
Ctrl+Alt+Del in Remote Deskop
Get-WindowsFeature missing
Windows ignores the hosts file
Managing BitLocker disks on Server Core
Format-Table FormatString
Get a list of partitions and free space
Get a list of machine names and logged on or active user(s)