getOffice365GroupsActivityDetail and S2SUnauthorized and custom connectors
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Logic Apps and slow “Append to array variable”
Logic App and Invoke-RestMethod timeouts
Invoke-WebRequest with retry
Invoke-WebRequest in the background
Logic Apps and long running Azure Functions (HTTP Webhooks with Authentication)
Finding a Logic App name from its workflow Id
Parsing JSON tokens in a Logic App
Authenticated HTTP Requests to Graph API or Azure REST API (and Logic Apps etc.) from Power Automate
Send email via Logic App (from PowerShell etc.)
Getting the first item from a SharePoint Online list in a Flow or Logic App without a For each Loop
Finding the link to a Logic App workflow run
PIM for Azure AD groups
Logic App/ Flow checking if something is a number
Authenticated access to Logic Apps using Azure AD (contd)
Authenticated access to Logic Apps using Azure AD
Connecting to an Azure Function using a Logic App Managed Identity
Using Key Vaults to Encrypt/ Decrypt data between automation stuff
Get OpenAPI definition for Logic App
Reading an Event Hub from Azure Functions and/ or Logic Apps